Zum Thema Schimmelpilz
Auf der Plattform change.org ist folgender Petitionstext zu lesen, der einerseitz zeigt unter welchen Verhältnissen Menschen leben müssen, andererseits klar macht, wie gefährlich manche Schimmelpilze sind.
Wenn Sie sich angesprochen fühlen, wäre es gut, wenn Sie die Petition unterschreiben, vermutlich trägt sie dazu bei, Dinge zu ändern.
Colleen had no idea when she moved into housing for military families that she would be trapped in a home infested with black mold -- but now the private company that owns her home refuses to clean it up.
Colleen says the mold in her family's home was so bad that mushrooms started growing in her children's bathroom. She found mold in the dishwasher, in the garage, and in the vents that circulate air throughout the house. After breathing mold spores every day, Colleen says her kids have become so sick that her son has constant nose bleeds.
Colleen has been trying for four years to get Picerne to remove the mold, but the company won't help. Scared that her children's health will get worse, Colleen started a petition on Change.org calling on Picerne Military Housing to remove the dangerous mold infestation from her house.
...desperately need repairs.
-- Corinne and the Change.org team
Picerne is a private corporation that manages housing for 24,000 military families, from Colleen's home on Fort Polk in Louisiana to Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska. The company claims that "Families First is at the core of everything we do," but residents say the housing they provide is shoddily built and poorly maintained. Last year, after twelve infants died in the company's housing units in Fort Bragg, an investigation was launched to find out whether the deaths were linked to tainted drywall.
John Picerne, the company's CEO, was recently profiled by The Boston Globe, where he claims to have started the military arm of his housing business because "I realized how poorly we were treating our military families."
Colleen is hoping that if enough people sign her petition, the company will finally respond and help not only her family but all the military families dealing with serious housing issues.
Click here to sign Colleen's petition asking CEO John Picerne to stop taking shortcuts and clean up houses that desperately need repairs.
-- Corinne and the Change.org team